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Providing Activities For The Elderly CIC

Ageing Well ~ Adding years to life & life to years
Ageing Wells aim is to increase the expectation of good health in later life with activities that improve physical health, mental health and wellbeing. The emphasis is on meeting new people and making physical activity accessible and enjoyable
• DANCE CLASSES - Fit Steps, Line Dancing.
• SPORTS - Indoor Kurling, Walking Football and Walking Netball
• FITNESS CLASSES- Tai Chi, Seated Exercise, Paracise
• POOL - Buddy Swimming.
Activities Include

Senior Games Awards Ceremony
September 1st-14th

West Lothian's Senior Games events are held in September.
Independent Living Seniors from across West Lothian come together
for 2 weeks of friendly competition and sporting challenges.
Senior Games are organised by Xcite Ageing Well Team
and supported by Opal, NHS & Smile.

Your body is made to move.. stay active
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